Thursday, June 28, 2012

Avatar Max: Your Virtual Workout Trainer now avail via Tablet & Smart Phone!

     I'm the exercise 'avatar' (or model) & trainer for 2 new apps for iPhone & Droid, both smart phone & tablets.  One is FREE & the other is only .99 cents, both avail on iTunes for download.  Over 1100 exercises demonstrated by your's truly in both HD video and .gif animations.  The first is by Fitness Buddy app and the latest one is by Hoist Fitness SystemsFitness Buddy app is avail on both Droid & iPhone platforms, while the Hoist Fitness app is currently only avail for iPhone & iPad.  I'm super proud of these workout apps, because I BELIEVE in them:  I helped create the workouts and I made sure to use proper technique on every exercise!  They also provide logs to track all your workout stats & progress - they're really nifty tools, and once they're downloaded you don't even have to be online to use them!  Incidentally, Hoist Fitness Systems happens to be one of my longest running clients, as I have been their primary spokesmodel and exercise consultant for about 7 years now!  Everything they do is first class and cutting edge - they're an industry leader in commercial and home gym equipment!  So what are you waiting for?!...Go ahead and download me and let's train!!

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