Holistic does not imply religion. It simply means treating your body as a whole physical, spiritual, psychological entity and approaching your health from all these aspects with equal attention and nurturing. It means welcoming all healthy living philosophies & strategies, as to learn from all of them, take what works best, and blend them into your own lifestyle. It also means taking care of yourself and being your own and greatest healthcare advocate! I certainly did not invent the holistic ideology, but my family & I have been making an effort to incorporate holistic concepts into our lifestyle and we have noticed a positive difference, from less illness to how we manage stress! And it turns out that a holistic-health lifestyle will also promote longevity & ideal body composition – optimal leanness and therefore an aesthetically appealing physique!
I have compiled a short list of 12 things you can do daily to incorporate a holistic method into your life. Some will seem very simple & even common sense. In fact you may already be doing many of these little acts, but all combined they are powerful! This list is by no means all inclusive and this is not an exact science, but rather an ideology. Remember too, that this list spans all holistic-lifestyle aspects to include physical, psychological & spiritual. Feel free to add to this list and tailor it to your needs – it is a process of constant evolution and awareness for all of us. It’s a journey.
In no particular order: